Need COBOL expertise?

Hi, welcome to the website. I am Jurgen Michorius, working in COBOL since 1998 and the owner of this website.

  • Functional Designer
  • Tester
  • Technical Designer
  • Developer

Let me introduce myself...

I was born on June 1, 1968, raised in Haaksbergen, and after obtaining my VWO diploma, I moved to Wageningen to study Environmental Hygiene at the Agricultural University. I graduated in 1993 and worked for 3 years in the field of environmental research and policy, lastly at Tennet, which then operated under the name SEP (Collaborating Electricity Production Companies). At SEP, I was involved in setting up an automated system that had to provide environmental data required as input for the annual mandatory environmental report. After the implementation, I took on the role of functional administrator for this system.



  • Wageningen University


  • Atheneum


Language Skills

  • Dutch

  • German

  • English